Sunday, January 13, 2019

Say no to Bullying Duckies - National Rubber ducky day on Sunday, Jan 13, 2019

Name: Say no to Bullying Duckies
Interests: Being good people and reporting bullying to the principal
Where to Find: Zydeco Gifts in Victoria
Brand: Oriental Trading Company
Price: $1.50 Each (on sale for 50% off because the store is closing on Friday, Jan 18, 2019)

Make 2019 the year that bullying ends!

I would wager a guess that Junior High School is the year that the most bullying occurs. I was
bullied in grade 8 and my best friend moved away this year too. Bad timing. It wasn’t extreme
and I was able to handle it by just ignoring the perpetrators. It was after all only words and
thankfully not physical bullying, but both can be painful. Hopefully today more people get help
and are able to stop bullying.

I am not sure if the Number 1 student is part of this set, but I didn’t see another bullying duck for sale.
I was at the end of the duckies, so the sets are not complete. The Oriental Trading duckies always
come in sets of 4 or 6. Sets of four are more common.

Have a fabulous National Rubber Ducky Day!

The duckies in the back row of Zydeco Gifts!

Obama Ducky - National Rubber Ducky Day 2019

Name: Obama Ducky
Interests: Being the best President Ever (2009-2017)
Where to Find: Zydeco Gifts in Victoria
Brand: Oriental Trading Company
Price: $1.50 Each (on sale for 50% off because the store is closing on Friday, Jan 18, 2019)

It’s National Rubber Ducky day so have a bath with your favourite ducky!

Obama Ducky is a great leader. Obama is to date my favourite US President. Michelle Obama had her book out this
year and is even going to have a book signing in Vancouver. She is a great role model too. Obama is my very first
President rubber ducky.

I have seen a few Trump ducks around and I need to buy find one and I need to find the other 5 presidents too. Here is is the complete set.