Tuesday, May 12, 2020

International Nurse Ducky

Name: International Nurse Ducky
Interests: Looking after you through it all. SARS, COVID-19, Ebola.
Where to Find: Ducks in the Window
Brand: Schnabels®
Price: Free. I won her in a contest.

Today, May 12, 2020 is International nurses' day. There really has never been a better time
to really appreciate first respnders and all essential workers than right now. This ducky has
travelled all over the world helping people and she will continue to do so for her entire career.
She is great friends with Ducktor House. She is also friends with this other doctor too and he will be
coming to a blog post near you soon.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mudher Ducky

Name: Mudher Ducky
Interests: Taking care of her littles and finding time for her hobbies too.
Where to Find: www.lilalu-shop.com
Brand: Lilalu Share Happiness
Price: Christmas Gift from my hubbie (a few years ago).

When I was little, I was often glued to my mother's side. I was quite shy. My youngest is
almost 5 and she loves to cuddle and play with my hair as she falls asleep. Some days
we are joined at the hip just like these duckies too. Happy Mother's Day to everyone.
Glued to your side.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Boy Teacher Ducky

Name: Boy Teacher Ducky
Interests: Anything techie and teaching his grade 3 class online (due to COVID-19).
Where to Find: Ducks in the window
Price: $8.99 US

It's the last day of teacher appreciation week today. It's the first full week of May each year (May 03-May 09, 2020). If there is anytime that we want to say an extra thanks to all the teachers, it is definitely this week and during the world's current situation with coronavirus. Zoom classes and other online tools for video conferencing have definitely become the new normal these past 8 weeks. Our kids really appreciate their grade 3, 1, and preschool teachers.

Boy Teacher Ducky is friends with Technical Writer Ducky and married to Girl Teacher Ducky. 

Girl Teacher Ducky

Name: Girl Teacher Ducky
Interests: Being the best in person and online (due to COVID-19) teacher that she can be.
Where to Find: Ducks in the window
Brand: DITW Designs
Price: $8.99 US

Girl teacher ducky loves to go old school with a chalkboard. Her students love using
chalkboards too. There is just something about the feel of the chalk and the scratchy sound as it writes
on the board. It also smells better than some of those white board makers too.

One of her students recently showed her their DIY for how to turn an F into and A plus. However,
nowadays some duckeis don't even receive letter grades anymore. She loves to wear her hair in
a bun to keep it off her face too. She is also married to Boy Teacher Ducky.