Name: Franky and Witchy Duckies
Interests: Watching the Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead
Where to Find: My aunt gave them to me and found them at a thrift store
Brand: Unsure Says May 2013 on the bottom
Slogan: With all the emojis taking over Halloween, us ducks need to stick together.
Price: A gift
Alicia decorated the pumpkins behind them
Franky and Witchy weigh in with a special interview: Has Halloween become Christmasized?
Witchy: "I love Halloween, the candy and dressing up and walking for hours getting tons of candy and chatting to your neighbours,"
Franky: "Me too. I always stay out the longest with my son and his friends."
Witchy: "However, Halloween is slowly becoming too Christmastized. I mean there are Halloween wreaths that you hang on your door, ornaments for black trees, and chocolate Halloween count down calendars."
Franky: "It is a great money making scheme for stores selling these items. I even saw this year that Save On Foods was selling Gingerbread haunted houses"
Witchy: "Outrageous. That is taking it too far!"
Franky: "November 1st is a great time to shop for decorations for next year. Start planning your Christmas. I mean Halloween party now. Perhaps, you should draw names for gifts too."
Witchy: "Or go sit on the devil's lap and tell him you've been good."