Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Permanently Surprised Ducky

Name: Permanently Surprised Bill Ducky 
Interests: Eating caviar and learning.
Where to Find: Home Outfitters
Brand: Prestig
Price: $15.00

A Tuxedo Affair

I have had this large rubber ducky for a long time and I cannot remember where I bought him from. I think I bought him with my friend who also collects rubber ducks. This duck used to sit on my desk at work when I started my first Technical Writing job. He used to be yellow but faded so much in the sun that he now looks like a glow in the dark ducky. He came naked but I bought this outfit for him. He also has a raincoat and hat and a pirate outfit too (also known as Buccaneer Bill).

Permanently Surprised Bill Ducky was given this name by me because of his eyebrows and eyes which make him look permanently surprised. His head is also cocked slightly to the side and he looks like he is looking down at something. Home Outfitters isn’t around anymore but that is where Bill is from. There is also a shower curtain and a mini series of Bill ducks too.

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