Monday, July 30, 2012

Mail Carrier Ducky from Zydeco Gifts

Name: Mail Carrier Ducky
Interests: Delivering mail to the old areas in town that don’t have the new fancy locked boxes in one central location. I enjoy the exercise provided from going house to house.
Where to Find: Zydeco Gifts in Victoria
Brand: Unknown
Price: $3.95 Cdn

Don’t mail me!

Notice that this duck’s name is Mail Carrier Ducky and not Mailman Ducky or Mailwoman Ducky. Back in my first year of college, in my Grammar class, I wrote an essay arguing for gender neutral language. Since Colin’s Grandpa is a word expert and Colin suggested it, I gave him a copy of my essay to edit. Well, Colin failed to tell me that his Grandpa was also sexist. He was very old fashioned in his thinking and did not believe that a woman could fly a plane because that was a man’s job. His Grandpa was completely outraged by my “ gender-neutral” language position in the essay. He was set on saying “fireman” and was not open to “fire person” or “firewoman.” The man has since passed away and this is just another memory that we have of him and how stuck in the past he was. However, he was up to date with technology and always had the latest and greatest gadgets.

Mail Carrier Ducky is wearing a blue-collared dress shirt uniform and has a brown and orange hat and a brown mailbag. Mail Carrier Ducy also has knowledgeable eyes.

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